Sweet LuRae is committed to guiding you through every step of content creation. We will help in the  process of social media management and toward helping your business. We believe that with support and encouragement, your business can thrive, becoming all that you dream it to be while also remembering your values. Read through a selection of offerings to see what best meets your needs. 

let's make your business thrive

For the business owner who needs help creating an Instagram reel for their business. 

For the business owner who needs help responding to messages and comments, and retagging on stories. 

For the business owner who needs encouragement and fresh content ideas for their business.

For the business owner who needs help with the creation and scheduling of reels & posts.

For the business owner who needs help with it all! This may also include TikTok, Pinterest, & Blog writing. 

Reel creation

Social media engagement

Coaching Call

Content creation + social media management

Content creation + social media management & engagement

Perfect! Can I read more?

yes please! How do I get started?

yeah, that's what i need!

Exactly what I'm looking for! What's next?

take this off my plate please! Sign me up!

For the business owner who needs help creating an Instagram post for their business. 

post creation 

Sounds great! What’s included?

For the business owner who needs a blog post written and assembled. 

blog copy

Yes! What will be taken care of?

Most Popular

"As a wedding photographer I've had the privilige of working with Jessica a couple of different times! She is the perfect balance between being fun to be around while also getting things done. Her eye for design as well as communication are both spot on and she delivers all around a very professional experience! I wouldn't hesitate to recommend her to anyone! 


Jessica made this awesome content day for us photographers! I actually flew into Austin to do this too-good-to-be-true shoot. Thank you!


Reel Creation

Starting at $25

For the business owner who needs help creating an Instagram reel for their business. 

what's included


Sweet LuRae will create an Instagram reel for The Client. The reel will be discussed ahead of time including the preferred audio and the photos or videos needed to compile the reel. Sweet LuRae will also provide a suggested caption and provide everything for The Client to post. 

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Post Creation

Starting at $25

Most Popular

For the business owner who needs help creating an Instagram post for their business. 

what's included


Sweet LuRae will create an Instagram post for The Client. The post will be discussed ahead of time including the preferred information and photos needed to compile the post. This may be a static post or a carousel post. Sweet LuRae will also include a suggested caption and provide everything for The Client to post. 

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Blog Copy 

starting at $25/hour 

what's included


For the business owner who needs a blog post written and assembled. 


Sweet LuRae will write a blog post for The Client. The Client will provide Sweet LuRae with the basic information needed for the blog post, along with the photos. Sweet LuRae will provide everything for The Client to post. 

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Social Media Engagement 

starting at $650/month

what's included


For the business owner who needs help responding to messages and comments, and retagging on stories. 


Sweet LuRae will engage on The Client's Instagram profile.  This may include any of the following services: responding to messages and comments, reposting tagged posts to stories, commenting on followers posts, creating and posting stories.

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Content Creation + Social Media Management

starting at $1,500/month

what's included


For the business owner who needs help with the creation and scheduling of reels & posts. 


Sweet LuRae will create 3-14 Instagram posts per week, depending on what The Client needs. A shared Instagram content calendar will be created on Planoly in order for Sweet LuRae and The Client to view what content is scheduled to be posted. Content may also be created and scheduled for Facebook. 

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Content Creation + Social Media Management & Engagement

starting at $2,500/month

what's included


For the client who needs help with it all! This may include TikTok, Pinterest, & Blog writing! 


This service includes many of the other services, combined to best support The Client's business. Sweet LuRae will create up to 14 Instagram posts per week, depending on the needs of The Client, which will all be shared on the content calendar: Planoly. This will include reels, carousel posts, and static posts. Sweet LuRae will write all captions and engage with the Instagram profile daily. Sweet LuRae may also create and post needed TikTok videos and Pinterest posts up to once per day, along with keeping up with messages and comments. Sweet LuRae may write one blog post per week which can either be posted by Sweet LuRae or The Client. 

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Coaching Call

starting at $25/hour

what's included


For the business owner who needs encouragement and fresh content ideas for their business. 


Sweet LuRae will join a Zoom or phone call with The Client.  Sweet LuRae and The Client will be able to discuss a plan for business content and other questions the business owner may have relating to social media. Encouragement and prayer may be offered! 

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Frequently Asked Questions

next question

How long is your turn around time for a reel request?

It takes me up to 2 business days to deliver an edited a la carte reel with a suggested caption from the time of one being requested. 

How much of an investment should I expect when partnering with Sweet LuRae?

We discuss prices after a business owner inquires. Based off of the needs and requirements, we create an individualized plan. Typically you can expect to pay an average of $25/hour. 

Can I just use the services of Sweet LuRae as needed?

Yes, of course! Just keep in mind that there may be other clients that take priority based on their consistent needs and the scheduling of Sweet LuRae.

something exiting HAS COME OUR WAY

Service Collaboration

collab WITH US

I am thrilled to announce my collaboration with Sydney at Rouse Design Studio! As a Social Media Manager and Content Creator, joining forces with Sydney, a Brand and Website Designer, brings an exciting opportunity to enhance our clients' projects in their businesses. Together, we're dedicated to providing support, ensuring your messaging aligns with your brand's identity. This partnership aims to elevate and fortify your online presence, creating a consistent and impactful experience for your audience. I can't wait to bring our collective expertise to your brand's journey. 

Working with a Brand & Website Designer and a Social Media Manager & Content Creator will bring your brand back to life. Remind yourself why you started this business in the first place and get excited all over again!

Sit back, relax, and trust our team to bring out your best.


Brand Refresh & Content Creation Package:
-Logo redesign or brand refresh
-Instagram & Facebook setup and optimization
-Social media content creation and Planoly scheduling (3 posts per week)
-Blog writing (2 posts per month)

Complete Online Presence Upgrade:
-Comprehensive brand identity development and logo design
-Instagram & Facebook setup and optimization
-Social media content creation and Planoly scheduling (5 posts per week)
-Social media engagement and community management
-Custom website design and development (up to 6 pages)
-Website and social media platform maintenance
-Blog writing (2 posts per month)


Have another question?


Check your email, we will be in touch!